Make sure they know you're alive

Hey there, web-based traveler!

It's been awhile, so lets bring you up to speed. Clean Sweep is out there, doing its thing. Decent reviews for the most part, not bad for the first throw. Will everyone like it? Nope. Do I care? Double nope. Do I respect any and all comments? Well, you kinda have to. I think the easiest mistake to make in putting any of your scrawls out there is to take it personally. When I wore the hat of 'automobile journalist' (See 'shill'), I had plenty of anonymous hate speech deposited in the boxes. I still remember when I predicted the return of the four-cylinder Chevy Camaro! (That's when I put up the security cameras.) Hell hath no fury like someone who'd never drive a Fury, convinced that their assemblage of parts is a better piece of crap than the one that Calvin is peeing on, in decal form, on their back window. Hate to say it, but its all shit. All of it. I've lost enough blood on them to know. 

That doesn't mean I don't love 'em, every last one of those rust buckets that peed, and sometimes shat on the driveway. When you read Book Two, you'll get it. Mahoney's Camaro isn't a trailer queen. That Royal Plum wonder has dents, dings, and problems that no warranty could ever fix. I'm working on the edits now from Emily Schulz. ( She's awesome, read her, love her stuff. Do it. 

Book Three is underway, somewhere in the Nopiming Provincial Park in my beloved Manitoba, around the page known as Ninety-Eight. (Also the name of my favorite land yacht Oldsmobile.). Hope to be done by the summer. Yeah, right...

Back to work!